bosan punya pasal, layan la rncgan korea.
nak layan cite indon ngan amerika latin x kena dgn taste aku lak..
aku pun mmg x ambil pusing sgt pasal rancgn indonesia ni.. ahaha
byk gak la rancangan yg best di tonton antaranya ialah...
1.Family Outing

"Family Outing is the new variety program that's part of SBS's Good Sunday program line up. The hosts are Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Hyori, Yoon Jong Shim, Kim Soo Ro, Park Ye Jin and Big Bang's Daesung. They also include two new family members every trip (1 trip is two episodes long).
They pick a family from the country (usually senior citizens) and give them a vacation while the "Family" takes care of their house. The do house chores and play fun games for entertainment."
setakat ni, rancangan ni dah masuk musim kedua, tp kalo nak dibandingkan, aku lebih suka musim yg pertama dr yg kedua, aku rasa musim yg pertama lg klaka dr musim yg kedua.
selalu aku tonton rancangan ni pada hari rabu, pukul 1.00 pagi.
Nak tau lebih lanjut, klik link ni "Family Outing"
2.Running Man

"This show is classified as an "urban action variety"; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows and will greatly involve the participation of viewers. The MCs and guests are locked in a landmark during closed hours and are required to leave before opening hours. The first team to leave will win, while the losing team will be punished in the landmark. It has garnered attention as being the come-back program for Yu Jae-suk, the main MC of the program, after leaving Good Sunday's Family Outing in February 2010."
sbb aku tgk rancgan ni sbb ada yu jea-suk dlm rncgan ni, pasal ape pasal dia mmg klaka. haha
lg satu byk artis jemputan dia yg feymes2..
nak tau lebih lanjut, sila klik link ni "Running Man"
3.Strong Heart

"Strong Heart is a show featuring 25 Celebrities. It discusses many hot issues with the guests without boundaries and bringing out laughters. The celebrity who survives the heated discussions to the end will be titled as 'Strong Heart'.
Lee Seung Gi and Kang Ho Dong host the show. The producers are Park Sang Hyuk, Park Kyung Duck, Jung Eek Sung. Also, the writers are Kim Youn Young and Kim Jee Youn. Super Junior's Leeteuk, Shindong and Eunhyuk come every episode for the Teuk Academy Teukigayo. Comedians Jung Ju Ri and Kim Young Chul appear frequently on the show."
aku xdelah slalu sgt tgk rncgn ni, tgk pun bila ada tetamu yg popular dan yg aku knl baru aku tgk..
rancangan nilah yg slalu aku tgk bila time bosan2, ada lg rancangan korea lain yg aku tgk contohnya mcm Heroes, Star king, the Master Show... kalo nak tau lebih, korang tanya jelah kat pakcik Google.. ahaha
ada ke patut kena cari sendiri kat google!
Adabz.. sejak bila ko jd cm wan naka nie. hahha
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